Services Place checkmarks next to the services you want to be displayed in your shopping cart at checkout. Selected services will be displayed only if the destination is included in a corresponding shipping zone and the service is offered to that zone. Check the carrier’s service guide for a description of its services.

Beneath each service is a markup field. You can enter a dollar amount (e.g. 5.00) or percentage (e.g. 3.5%) in the field if you’d like to mark up the rate returned for that service. You can also enter a negative value if you want to mark down the rate. Later in the Quote Settings, there is a general Handling Fee / Markup field that will be applied to all returned rate estimates. The service level markups are applied before the general setting.

Delivery estimate opitons Don’t display delivery estimates
Select this option if you don’t want delivery estimates to display with the quoted services.

Display estimated number of days

Select this option if you want the estimated number of days in-transit to display with the quoted services.

Display estimated delivery date

Choose this option if you want the expected delivery day to be displayed with each service option. The shipment date will be the date of the order unless the settings for Order Cut Off Time or Shipment Offset Days are in use.

Display estimated delivery date range

These settings will display a delivery date range with each service option. The shipment date will be the date of the order unless the settings for Order Cut Off Time or Shipment Offset Days are in use. The beginning of the estimated delivery date range will be the shipping provider’s estimated delivery date. The end of the range will be the shipping provider’s estimated delivery date plus the number of days entered.

Delivery estimate range
Enter the number of days that the estimated delivery date range will include.

Display range as a from and to date

Enable this option if you want the estimated delivery date range to be expressed as a from and to date.

Display range as “on or before date”

Enable this option if you want the estimated delivery date to be expressed as expected on or before the end of the estimated delivery date range.

Cut off time & ship date offset These settings are only relevant if you have one of the options enabled to display a delivery estimate.

Order cut off time

When the app requests shipping quotes, it identifies a shipment date. The estimated delivery date is dependent on the ship date. The cut off time allows you to postpone an order’s shipment date by one workday. Orders received before the cut off time are quoted using the order date as the ship date. Orders received after the cut off time use the next workday as the ship date.

When left blank, the order date will be the ship date. Orders received on weekends will use the next workday as the ship date.

Fulfillment offset days

Enter the number of days to postpone the ship date. This setting is typically used by merchants who want to provide an estimated delivery date with the shipping quotes, but that have a lead time in the fulfillment process.

Example 1

If an order is received before the Order cut off time on the 5th of the month and the Fulfillment offset days is set to 2 days, then the ship date will be the 7th day of the month (assuming the 5th, 6th and 7th are all business days)

Example 2

If an order is received after the Order cut off time on the 5th of the month and the Fulfillment offset days is set to 2 days, then the ship date will be the 8th day of the month (assuming the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th are all business days).

What days do you ship orders?

Identify the days of the week on which you ship orders. The ship date used for the rate request will be modified accordingly, which may affect the expected delivery date.

Ground transit time restrictions This feature is commonly used by merchants who have perishable products and need to prevent Ground service from displaying as an option when the shipment transit time exceeds a certain number of days.

Number of transit days

Enter the number of days permitted for Ground service. For example, if you enter “2” then Ground service will only be offered if the time in-transit is two days or less.

Restrict by the carrier’s in transit day metric

Select this option to apply the rule based on the carrier’s in transit days estimate. Carriers cite the in-transit days as business days. Choose this option if you will hold an order until a ship date occurs upon which the order can be shipped and not be delayed by weekends or holidays.

Restrict by the calendar days in transit

Select this option if you want the determination of whether or not to display Ground service as an option to account for weekends and holidays. Choose this option if you always ship orders at the first opportunity to do so.

Hazardous material settings Only quote ground service for hazardous material shipments
Enable this setting if you only want ground service quoted in the event that one or more of the products in the shopping cart is identified as hazardous material. (Identifying that an items ships as hazardous material is done in the Product Settings.)

Ground hazardous material fee

Enter the amount that should be added to the ground rate estimate in the event that one or more of the products in the shopping cart is identified as hazardous material. The fee will only be added once per shipment.

Air hazardous material fee

Enter the amount that should be added to the air rate estimates in the event that one or more of the products in the shopping cart is identified as hazardous material. The fee will only be added once per shipment.

Other settings Handling Fee / Markup
Increases the amount of the quote by a specified amount prior to displaying it in the shopping cart. The number entered will be interpreted as dollars and cents unless it is followed by a % sign. For example, entering 5.00 will cause $5.00 to be added to the quote. Entering 5.00% will cause each quote to be multiplied by 1.05 (= 1 + 5%). Entering a negative number will decrease the quoted amount.
Quote Details Write the quote details to the additional details widget
Choose this option to have details about the shipping quote to be written to the Additional Details widget which is visible on the Order Details page.

Write the quote details to the More Actions > Shipping Quotes Details page

Choose this option to have the quote details written to this alternate location. The Additional Details widget is the default and preferred location because it’s visible on the Order Details page. However, if you use another app that also uses the Additional Details widget, you’ll find that the apps overwrite each other. In this case, choose this option to have the quote details written to a screen you can view from the More actions button.

Return to main Real Time Shipping Quotes User’s Guide to continue setting up the app.